Moonshadow Healing is a respite for the mind, body and spirit assisting in improving overall health through advanced healing modalities.
Moonshadow Healing provides Crystal Vibrational Therapy including Reiki and Sound Healing Therapies as well as healing arts classes to help move you along your mystical journey. We also provide a variety of classes on crystals, grids, chakras and holistic arts to assist and enhance the lives of our clients.
Crystals have been a huge part of my healing journey. They provided me with guidance showing me my own value and self-worth. They brought balance and peace to my body, mind and spirit. I have always been passionate about natural healing. Being an Empath and highly sensitive to energies, peace, calm and balance are critical to my wellbeing and health. I believe they are critical to the health and wellbeing of all living beings.
I am a certified crystal practitioner who works with vibrational energy to help heal the body, mind and spirit. I'm an animist who follows a shamanic path, performs Full Moon Ceremonies and spends time working with and collecting crystals when I'm not performing rituals, creating crystal grids or teaching. I consider myself a student of the holistic arts to learn anything to enhance life. I am a mother and grandmother and live with several rescue cats who are my "babies". I love the color orange, the wind, crystals, herbs, essential oils, plants, Halloween and all animals (especially cats). I am an avid reader of 'real' books and have a resource library to be admired.
Crystals help you raise your vibration so you can raise your consciousness! Crystal Therapy recalibrates the body to entrain with the crystals energy to remove energy blocks and stagnant energies keeping the body in a low vibration. The higher your vibration, the healthier you are in mind, body and spirit.
These photos are from Full Moon Ceremonies held in Phoenix, Arizona. Notice all the orbs which are transparent balls of light energy that are connected to Spirit. Others are from events I've participated in at The Place for Spiritual Wisdom, World Angel Day and others.
Crystal Chakra Therapy $35 (30 Minutes) $75 (60 Minutes)
Crystal Therapy is the holistic practice of placing crystals on and around the energy centers of your body to create emotional release, deep relaxation and energetic healing. An initial consult targets what the desired outcome is so the focus can be on what needs vibrational work and/or healing. Sessions include singing bowls, tuning forks and meridian work to vibrationally adjust the chakras.
1 hour Group Chakra Therapy (up to 5 people) $44 per person
Animal Chakra Therapy $40
I personally believe that every animal coming from a shelter situation benefits greatly from having crystal work performed on them. Many of them have such great fear and abandonment concerns that it affects their demeanor and behavior. The crystals work to help release these emotions. I have seen animals with this fear changed after having a crystal therapy session.
Reiki Healing Session $35 (30 minutes)
Reiki healing is performed on the body using specific hand positions to call in healing energy that aids in relaxation, reduction of stress and overall healing.
Sound Therapy $35
Sound healing has been used for centuries by many cultures to heal the body, mind and spirit. The vibrational sound waves created are able to entrain and synchronize the brainwaves and surrounding energies. They create a relaxed consciousness allowing the mind to quiet. Sound healing helps to promote relief of anxiety, stress and helps to balance the chakras and nervous system. Either singing bowls or tuning forks are used to adjust the vibration of chakras.
For out of town clients appointments are virtual *** Local Group and Animal Sessions are held in client's home
When a Crystal Practitioner performs vibrational crystal work, whether in person or as distance session, sacred space is created and crystals are placed on the body. In a distance session, intention and/or a photograph is used. An appointment is scheduled and preparations completed in the exact same manner as if the appointment were in person. The client would lie down at home while the Crystal Practitioner works hundreds of miles away. It doesn't matter if the Practitioner is standing over the client or if working with their energy from across the world, energy is energy. It all works through intention and vibrational balancing is sent through our intentions.
For a Distance Session, the client would send an email stating what is happening in their lives at present and what they would like to focus on. A written report would be sent to the client after the session. It is important that a time conducive to both practitioner and client is established for quiet and calm during the session.
During a first session, an intake form is completed that also includes a review of any health issues or concerns as well as discussing any challenges (emotional, physical, mental or spiritual) the client is having at the time. The client's intentions and goals are discussed and an intention for healing is set. First sage is used to clear the room, create sacred space, specific prayers and intentions are stated to ask for a positive outcome. Chakras are checked with a pendulum and then crystals are placed on the surrogate body outline used for distance healing along with a photograph of the client. Notes are taken regarding the observations of each chakra as well as any intuitive messages received.
Chakra balancing/ therapy can sometimes cause emotions to rise when any blockages are released. These can take place in a variety of ways whether they are emotional, physical or spiritual. Examples would be burping, gas, crying/laughing or a feeling of traveling in the astral plane. These are all normal even though they do not always occur.
Chakras are checked, cleared and balanced and Reiki is performed as well. The chakras are cleared one last time with a Selenite wand to also cleanse the aura and a signing bowl is passed over the body to vibrationally seal in the work that was done. Once the stones are removed from the body outline, a chime or bell is rung. At this time, the client would gently awaken. Once the session is completed, any messages and notes from the session would be discussed. Going forward, any further work needed whether alone or with me would be discussed.
To schedule an appointment, email
Always remember, when purchasing crystals, be sure to clean them both physically and energetically before using them as they "collect" energy from anyone who has handled them. You will want to 'clear' them after you use them as well. One of the easiest ways to do this is with sound, sage smoke or incense. Not all crystals can be placed in water so be informed about the particular crystals you own.
These beautiful little glass bottles are reminder tools for the intentions you set - what vibration do you want to bring into your life? They can assist in raising the energetic vibration of your life. They are powerful intention-setting tools for manifestation. Modern intention/ blessing jars are used for a host of magickal purposes from protection, to adding creativity, to increasing psychic abilities and much more. Some assist in connecting to the Elements or to particular chakras. They were designed to help channel your personal energy.
Each one-of-a-kind jar is specifically crafted for a particular purpose using certain ingredients to match the intention of the jar. Each contains parts of the Earth's elements, herbs, crystals and essential oils appropriate for that specific purpose, capped with a cork and sealed with candle wax, crystals and a few drops of the essential oils contained within. Each jar also has a charm attached. A list of the contents comes with each jar as well as a description of why those ingredients were chosen. All herbs used such as salt, cinnamon, black pepper, rosemary, lavender, and mugwort to name a few, as well as sand and shells were chosen to add power to the jar's intention.
Example: The Home Blessings jar contains White Rice for prosperity; Black Salt for untaintedness; Sage for positive energy, Lavender for peace; Rose Petals for love; Quartz to amplify power; Sage essential oil for protection. "With these elements, send prosperity, positivity, love and peace for my home and all who live within. And so it is!" Special Orders available upon request.
I've been to several of Dee's classes and I've enjoyed each one. She explains things very clearly to make sure everyone understands. She provides handouts to help with visuals as well. I look forward to each class she teaches. Laura B
Dee's classes are the best! And I love her handouts. They are so helpful and she explains so well. You're able to get the big picture. Ken A
I have had the pleasure of being both a student and client of Dee's. She creates a safe, engaging learning environment and generously shares her wisdom with all. This is true for both Crystal Therapy and Home Clearing services. She helped me feel comfortable and protected in m y home. I highly recommend Dee and her many talents. Kristin M
Copyright © 2022 Practical Crystal Magick LLC dba Moonshadow Healing - All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: Purchasers acknowledge that the seller is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. All content has been derived from various sources. The purchaser agrees that under no circumstances is the seller responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which may be incurred as a result of the use of services or items detailed.